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Community Code of Conduct

The following Code of Conduct has been developed to ensure a safe, friendly and respectful place for residents, property owners, guests and staff to gather in the spirit of cooperation, relaxation, goodwill, fun and friendly competition and recreation.

The Code of Conduct differs from Rules and Regulations in that it addresses behavior that is acceptable and unacceptable and describes the consequences for engaging in behavior that is generally deemed unacceptable. The Code of Conduct is intended to ensure that all residents, property owners, guests and staff can expect to be treated with respect and dignity while enjoying the Districts’ facilities, including the District pool, clubhouse, restrooms, splash pads, Drehle Barn and recreation areas. By entering the Districts’ facilities, all residents and guests are deemed to have given their consent to be bound by the provisions below, including the penalties imposed for offenses.

ALL residents, guests and staff using facilities owned by the Trailside Metropolitan Districts Nos. 1-6, including but not limited to the pool, clubhouse, splash areas, parks and open space, trails, Drehle Barn and other recreation facilities in the Rendezvous and Trailside communities, are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that:

► Creates an environment and culture that is reflective of personal integrity and respect. The integrity, honesty and respect are expected to be followed whether at the District pool, clubhouse, splash areas, parks and open space, trails, Drehle Barn or when using any other District-owned facilities.

► Creates an environment and culture that is reflective of personal integrity and respect. Integrity, honesty and common courtesy are expected to be followed whether at the pool(s), in the bathrooms/showers, clubhouse, splash areas, parks and open space, trails, Drehle Barn or when using any other District-owned facilities.

► Free from discrimination or harassment of any kind.

► Refrains from using obscenities and loud boisterous behavior which is inappropriate for children and respectable taste. District facilities are family friendly and behavior must be appropriate for all ages.

► Shows the utmost respect and dignity to fellow residents, property owners, guests, and staff whenever present on District facilities.

► Does not damage the character, integrity, good will, property, or community standing (local and/or the broader community) of the District, facilities, or employees.

► Adheres to ALL District rules, regulations, guidelines and pronouncements, including but not limited to:

‣Declaration of Covenants

‣Design Guidelines

‣Rules and Regulations

‣Clubhouse and Pool Rules

‣Park and Trail Rules

‣Any other District Facilities or Amenity’s Rules and Regulations

► Does not damage or detract from the appearance, maintenance and upkeep of the community and District facilities.

► Demonstrate an understanding that residents, property owners, and guests have no authority to instruct staff regarding job performance and duties. Similarly, understand that Management is responsible for instructing the staff regarding job performance and duties.

► Does not create unnecessary strife and divisiveness for residents, property owners, guests, or staff, through denigrating or abusive language, tone, volume or otherwise.

► Does not misrepresent one’s identity, position, or authority to others.

► Abide by all state and local laws and regulations, including prohibitions with respect to the possession of any illegal drugs and/or weapons on District property.


In addition to any other remedies available to Management as contained in the Districts’ governing documents, any individual found by Management to be in violation of the Code of Conduct will:

► Be warned verbally upon the first offense.

► Be issued a written warning upon the second offense up to the third offense (warnings are cumulative and specific to the individual), however suspension from District facilities is possible at any time dependent upon the severity of the offense.

► Be automatically suspended from use of District facilities upon a fourth offense or at the discretion of Management.

► Be financially responsible for damages caused to property.

► Offenders will not be refunded any amounts paid for use of District facilities or property.


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