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Pool Rules and Regulations

The Trailside Metro District Pool ("TSMDP") is available to all Trailside Metro District ("TSMD") residents free of charge. The Pool is available to TSMD members who live in and/or own property in the TSMD boundaries. The pool agreement with TSMD is included in the annual operations and maintenance fees that you pay. A TSMD pool tag will be issued to District members in good standing. District Member definition for the Pool Membership Form: Consists of the applicant, spouse, guardians (two adults) and dependents. Dependents are persons un-married, 23 years of age or younger who reside at same address as applicant and are dependent upon applicant for financial support. (Over 21 assumed going to school.) One tag will be issued to each home/lot. If home is a rental, pool tag will be issued to either the renter or the homeowner, not both. Pool tag is not to be shared. Pool tags are owned by TSMD. Pool memberships carry no proprietary rights. No District members shall have or acquire any property rights in the property, assets, or holdings of Trailside Metro Districts. To get your pool tag: Read the pool membership packet and all rules for the pool, complete page 1 of the Pool Membership Application. Take completed pool membership form (page 1) to the Pool when notified of dates a District representative will be at the Pool or take pool packet any time to the pool/guards after pool is open for the season. The pool tag must be presented when using the Pool. Lost pool tag replacement fee is $25.00. A Guest Punch Pass is available to purchase at the pool. The Guest Punch Pass is non-transferable, expires yearly and has limitations or you can also pay for individual guest fees as needed. You must check in guests with guards and remain at the pool with your guests. See rules on guest and associated fees for guest when required. Also available is a nanny pass for your childcare provider. The nanny pass is to be used for childcare providersthat are not District members or a family member over 23 (see Dependent definition providing childcare). (Nanny/daycare provider must attend with a District member.) Fees for guest pass and/or nanny pass as needed are: $ 5.00 Daily Guest Fee: For adults and kids age 2 or more. Kids under 2 are free. (Fees subject to change) $ 50.00 Guest Punch Pass: Each district household will initially receive 10 free guest passes. After the initial 10 guest passes, each punch card with 10 punches can be purchase at the pool. Must be pool member to buy guest pass. $ 50.00 Nanny Pass: To add an additional name to your membership for a childcare provider. (Purchase at the pool.) When you are at the pool and want to buy a guest pass or nanny pass have cash, check, or money

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